When you say something, stick to it. For example, if she asks you how you are doing, and you say you’re fine, you have to then make sure that you stick with the narrative. People don’t like surprises. People don’t like to feel that they’re being lied to. So be consistent with what you say. Especially on sites like https://www.meetandbang.net/
A smile is an opening to the soul. When you smile to people, at the very least, you tell them that you’re not there to harm them and that you’re there to have a good time. The right kind of smile also communicates to people that they can trust you. Why is this important? Well, for sex to happen, you both have to be comfortable. I know you’re already comfortable because your dick is hard and you want to fuck ASAP. I see where you’re coming from.
That’s not the issue. The issue is on the other side of the equation. You have to make her feel comfortable. You don’t want to come off like the sex maniac that’s just about to fuck anything with legs, and coffee tables are not safe from them. You don’t want to be that kind of dude. At the very least, you don’t want to be perceived to be that kind of guy. So smile, be disarming, and be friendly.
Assume That You Won’t Get Sex
Now this is the most revolutionary piece of advice I can give you. When you assume that you’re not going to get sex, you calm the fuck down. Most guys who go on free meet and fuck dates are so fixated on getting laid that they drop the ball. They make their partner so uncomfortable that she gets the fuck out of there. You cannot get so excited about your sex date like you just got released from prison. Your date is going to have a very unhappy ending if you continue behaving that way.
By assuming you are not going to get laid, you start having real conversations. Start enjoying each other’s company, and the chips will fall wherever they may. In other words, things will proceed smoothly, instead of you giving off signals that you’re fucking desperate.